Synopsis: |
The Gunsters are an ordinary family. There's Dick, a salesman for Elite Superior Combs, and Sal, his contented yet delicate wife. They have two adventurous boys, Seb and Jezza, and then, of course, there's Titanic, their cat. But life's about to become anything but ordinary. Titanic has a lusty taste for the local varieties of small animals and birds which he is only too happy to share with the rest of the family. But soon he moves on to larger game: a squirrel, a fox, a horse, and then...While the boys are having the time of their lives enjoying the grisly exploits, everyone else is wondering just how much longer they've got to live. In the end it's a race on to put an end to the killings before there are no survivors left. Meanwhile, only one thing remains true. More blood will be spilled so long as Titanic is on the loose. |