Synopsis: |
From the creator of popular radio detective Paul Temple comes this exciting novelisation of the classic TV serial A Time of Day, read by Greg Wise. The six-part series A Time of Day entertained and intrigued TV audiences in 1957, who knew that a Francis Durbridge serial was a guarantee of twists, turns, and dramatic surprises. All these and more can be found in this thrilling tale of a mysterious disappearance and a race against time...Intelligent, wealthy and leisured, Lucy and Clive Freeman have decided that their marriage is breaking up. But their plans for divorce seem trivial when they receive some shocking news: their ten-year-old daughter Janet has vanished. She was last seen leaving school with a teacher, but since then there has been no trace of her. Has she been kidnapped? Is the motive money - or some other ransom? The Freemans must put aside their differences and join forces to rescue Janet - before it is too late... |