Synopsis: |
This latest volume in the series of selected proceedings of the conferences on thirteenth-century England, held biennially at Newcastle upon Tyne since 1985, contains fourteen papers given at the 1993 conference, most of them modified and expanded from their oral versions. As previously, they range widely over a variety of topics, embracing aspects of the political, legal, administrative, economic, religious and social history of the period, from merchants and trade in medieval England to hagiographical writings and the role of the household knights of Edward I; there is also an important historiographical introductory essay considering past and present approaches to the study of thirteenth-century England, and indicating possible trends in the future. Contributors: M.T. CLANCHY, PHILIP MORGAN, RUTH INGAMELLS, ROBERT BARTLETT, BRIAN GOLDING, ANDREW H. HERSHEY, SCOTT L. WAUGH, JAMES MASSCHAELE, R.H. BRITNELL, W.M. ORMROD, ANDREW F.McGUINNESS, R. MALCOLM HOGG, MICHAEL BURGER, A.A.M. DUNCAN |