Synopsis: |
Attractively designed and illustrated by well-known cartoonist Seth (creator of several New Yorker covers, graphic novels, etc.)Small trim size and inexpensive price = perfect for register displayStrong possibility of Seth-designed display for books for register placementSimilar series of Xmas Ghost Stories by Galley Beggar Press have sold 30,000+ in UKCanadian "trial run" of books showed approx. 1,000 copies sold of each book, even as a drop-in title sold into stores in late November w/o register placementCanadian trial run also showed VERY STRONG response from media looking for "feel good" holiday news stories. Multiple angles: 1) reviving old tradition, 2) novel and appealingly counter-intuitive take on Christmas as a spooky time of year, 3) Seth well-known and respected, and does great interviews = THIS SERIES WILL GET HUGE ATTENTION FROM THE MEDIA!!!Potential marketing to specialty shops, incl. comic book stores, Christmas gift storesSeries to be sold in w/ specially designed, narrow loader for register display |