Synopsis: |
Formulation remains one of the most important activities that those using psychological approaches undertake as part of their work. Arguably, however, formulation is an activity that remains poorly understood. In a current climate demanding quick fix solutions there is a tendency, which the authors refuse, towards over-simplification. Instead this book sets out to explore the challenging complexity of psychological formulation.By drawing on a wide range of sources from psychology and the arts the authors find ways to honour the stories clients tell yet offer key psychological insights to facilitate change. They provide a clear guide to enable the reader to think about the purpose of their work with clients, the perspectives which inform it and the process used to ensure effective outcomes.The chapters, supported by exercises on key issues, examine key debates on the role of formulation in professional practice, a framework for developing a systematic approach to formulation and a detailed account of the purpose, perspective and process of formulation.Guest contributions are included from various fields of practice including: clinical, coaching, educational, forensic, occupational, and from the arts.The book will enable all practitioners (whatever the stage of their career) who need to work with client stories to find new ways to enhance their practice. |