Synopsis: |
This title explores some of the key issues which surround the politics of religion, an area which has historically been the cause of great controversy. Today religion is still the cause of a great deal of political debate, be it the teaching of the creationist theory in the United States or the relationship of church and state in Arabic countries. Four sections present a thorough overview of the politics of religion in historical perspective: * Essay chapters written by a variety of academic and other experts on the major world religions and their relationship with politics, and on topics including religious fundamentalism, church and state and religious terrorism, providing background analysis of the links between religion and politics. * A - Z glossary of religions, religious groups, ideas and issues, including entries on Agnosticism, Bradford Council of Mosques, Muslim Brotherhood, Nirvana, the World Council of Churches, etc. Entries are up-to-date and cross referenced for ease of use, and symbols at the end of each entry denote to which major religion(s) the entry refers.* Maps for reference, showing adherents to major religions worldwide, adherents to religions in the Middle East, and adherents to the major sub-types of Christianity. This title offers up-to-date and unbiased information that will provide a wealth of information to students, academics, business people and general researchers. |