Synopsis: |
This book is based upon the lectures delivered from 18 to 22 June 2007 at the INFN-LaboratoriNazionali di Frascati School on Attractor Mechanism, directed by Stefano Bellucci, with the participation of prestigious lecturers, including S. Ferrara, M. Gnaydin, P. Levay, T. Mohaupt, and A. Zichichi. All lectures were given at a pedagogical, introductory level, a feature which is re?ected in the s- ci?c "?avor" of this volume, which has also bene?ted much from the extensive discussions and related reworking of the various contributions. This is the fourth volume in a series of books on the general topics of sup- symmetry, supergravity,black holes, and the attractor mechanism. Indeed, based on previous meetings, three volumes have already been published: BELLUCCI S. (2006). Supersymmetric Mechanics - Vol. 1: Supersymmetry, NoncommutativityandMatrixModels.(vol.698,pp.1-229).ISBN:3-540-33313-4. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Verlag (Germany). Springer Lecture Notes in Physics Vol. 698. BELLUCCIS.,S.FERRARA, A.MARRANI.(2006).SupersymmetricMech- ics - Vol. 2: The Attractor Mechanism and Space Time Singularities. (vol. 701, pp. 1-242). ISBN-13: 9783540341567.Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Verlag (G- many). Springer Lecture Notes in Physics Vol. 701. BELLUCCIS.(2008).SupersymmetricMechanics-Vol.3:AttractorsandBlack HolesinSupersymmetricGravity.(vol.755,pp.1-373).ISBN-13:9783540795223. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Verlag (Germany). Springer Lecture Notes in Physics 755. In this volume, we have included two contributions originating from short p- sentations of recent original results given by participants, i.e., Wei Li and Filipe Moura. |