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Each Reading Collection contains a variety of books aimed at specific year groups, using popular, established authors, for mixed ability classes. For AR and Wave we have only chosen titles identified in those programmes. We only choose books that have been recently published.

IPC Collections Early Years

These Collections provide cross-curricular materials in line with the International Primary Curriculum topic based learning. The IPC has a very broad choice of topics which may cover ideas and knowledge across aspects of history, geography, science and culture. Some National Curriculum schools also integrate these topics into their timetables as they are 'stand alone' projects of study and can add variety along side other teaching.

IPC: All About Me

IPC: All About Me

A topic looking at children finding out about themselves and making friends

Our Price: £95.00
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IPC: Sand & Water

IPC: Sand & Water

A hand picked selection of titles on water, sand and the sea shore and the animals that live there.

Our Price: £70.00
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IPC: Animals


IPC: Animals

A selection looking at animals and animal stories.

Our Price: £90.00
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IPC: Bears


IPC: Bears

A group of publications about real bears, teddy bears and fairy tale bears.

Our Price: £85.00
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IPC: Plants & Flowers


IPC: Plants & Flowers

A selection of books and stories that look at how plants grow.

Our Price: £95.00
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IPC: Houses & Homes


IPC: Houses & Homes

Learning about all sorts of houses and animal homes.

Our Price: £90.00
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IPC: Shopping


IPC: Shopping

A selection of books on shopping, markets and money for very young children.

Our Price: £65.00
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IPC: Going Places - Transport


IPC: Going Places - Transport

Books looking at all kinds of vehicles and how to get to and from different places.

Our Price: £95.00
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