Synopsis: |
"The Sylvia Brown Story" is the intimate, first-person, unapologetic, no-holds-barred story of an amazing woman's life. Now 72, Syllvia is ready to tell all, and in this book she reaches deep beneath the surface of her life to candidly discuss details of her professional and personal experiences that she's never revealed in public before. Sylvia reveals the little known truths behind her three failed marriages, including the physical abuse, bankruptcy, and legal troubles. While the press had a field day writing about it at the time, Sylvia remained quiet-until now. Sylvia will discuss her painful transitions and the financial and emotional damage inflicted by her husbands. And as an almost parenthetical lesson for all of us in forgiveness and compassion, she'll describe the experience of moving husband Dal Brown back into her house to take care of him when she learned that he was alone and in failing health. Then there are Sylvia's own physical challenges, from a series of painful hip surgeries to her relatively recent discovery that she'd suddenly gone blind in one eye-and, in a surprise even she didn't see coming, Mr. Right finally, impossibly showing up in her later years. |