Synopsis: |
The Law Commission's main task is to review areas of the law and to make recommendations for change. The Commission seeks to ensure that the law is as simple, accessible, fair, modern and cost-effective as possible. In this report, Part 1 describes the Commission, its programme of work and consultation methods. Part 2 reviews 2006-07, and looks at the targets for publication of reports and consultation papers the Law Commission has set for the period 2006-07. Part 3 looks at the progress that has been made in getting the Government to accept and implement the recommendations made in its reports.This is an area of concern to the Commission, and an appendix lists all reports from 1965 to March 2007, with details on whether the each report was accepted fully or in part, rejected, accepted but not implemented, or pending. Parts 4-8 cover the work of each law team in the Law Commission over the course of the year: commercial and common law; criminal law, evidence and procedure; property and trust law; public law; statute law. Part 9 looks at relations with external agencies, and Part 10 relates to the Commission's staffing and resources. |