Synopsis: |
Terrorism, crime, and migration are trans-national challenges. The Hague Programme, adopted in 2004, set out a way forward at the European Union (EU) level but the failure of the Constitutional Treaty could mean a reprioritisation is needed."Justice and Home Affairs Issues at European Union Level (HC 76-I)" looks in detail at several areas (including: policing; criminal justice and judicial cooperation; borders and migration; and safeguarding data) to see which of the possible approaches of practical co-operation, mutual recognition, or harmonisation offers the best way forward.It is the view of the Committee that policy initiatives at EU level should only be pursued if there is a solid evidence-base to suggest that they will make a practical difference to the effectiveness with which common problems are tackled.The accompanying "Justice and Home Affairs Issues at European Union Level, Third Report of Session 2006-07 - Volume 2: Oral and Written Evidence (HC 76-II)", ISBN 0215034406, is available to purchase separately. |