Synopsis: |
This is the fifth report from the Committee on Standards and Privileges ("HCP 279, Session 2008-09", ISBN 9780215526595) and examines a complaint against the Rt Hon Gordon Brown (The Prime Minister), Member for Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath, made by Mr Greg Hands, the Member for Hammersmith and Fulham. The complaint against Mr Brown was that he had sub-let part of a constituency office, contrary to a rule of the House, and that he had failed to record the rental income from the sub-letting in the Register of Members' Interests. From July 2005 to March 2008, Mr Brown and Ms Marilyn Livingstone MSP jointly rented a property in Kirkcaldy as a constituency office. Mr Brown and Ms Livingstone jointly sub-let part of the property to the local Labour Party. Each paid half of the rent for the office and each received half of the income from the sub-tenant. Mr Brown claimed under his Parliamentary allowances for his share of the rental cost of the office, and reduced the sum claimed by the same amount as he received as rent from the sub-tenant. There was no financial gain to Mr Brown, and no subsidy of the local Labour Party from Parliamentary funds.The Commissioner therefore dismissed that part of the complaint. The Commissioner did uphold the part of the complaint that relates to a breach of the rules of the House, by sub-letting accommodation paid for our of Parliamentary allowances. The Commissioner has accepted Mr Brown's statement that he broke the rule inadvertently, because his MSP colleague handled the arrangements for the lease and consulted the Scottish Parliament officials, who confirmed that nothing in the rules of the Scoittish Parliament prevented her sub-letting part of the office accommodation. The Committee regards this as inadvertent breach of the rules, but that Mr Brown should have ensured that the House of Commons authorities were consulted on the rules relating to Members' allowances. Mr Brown took steps to rectify the breach of the rules as soon as it was brought to his attention and apologised. The Committee believes no further action is required. |