Synopsis: |
"The Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy Online", or REP Online is an online resource for researching, teaching and studying in the philosophy arena and related disciplines. All entries are original work, covering the philosophical canon as well as philosophy from all continents and all periods. The entire encyclopedia is available online, bringing philosophy reference further up-to-date with regularly added new material to reflect developments in the field, and links to the best of philosophy on the Web. As such, REP Online is an ever-changing resource that is designed to continue to support every user for years to come, from amateur to professional. Like the print and CD-ROM editions, REP Online features over 2000 original articles from over 1300 leading international experts across the discipline of philosophy. The articles cover a breadth of subject matter, including Anglo-American, ethical and political, cross-cultural, interdisciplinary, continental and contemporary philosophy. With a summary providing a rapid orientation at the beginning of every in-depth article, the encyclopedia is specially designed to meet the needs of all levels of users. |