Synopsis: |
A novel set in post civil war Ireland - 1924-1926.In Ireland, 1924, at nearly 16, Rose Hamilton's granddaughter, Rosie, is growing into a lovely young woman, with a striking resemblance to her beloved Granny. With only a few more weeks of Miss Wilson's school at Richhill to go, she should have her life before her.But Rosie lives in fear of her mother's fierce temper and cruel jibes, which - more often than not - lead to violence. Her father, Sam, is aware of this and determines to get Rosie away from Martha. A trip to Kerry, in the company of her grandparents, seems the perfect opportunity. For Rose and John, now in their seventies, this is a pilgrimage to the land of their childhood and to Currane Lodge, where they first met. For Rosie, it is an eye-opening adventure and the first step into adult life in an Ireland hopefully at peace having been torn apart first by the British and then by a fierce internal civil war. |