Synopsis: |
This is the new Naomi Blake mystery. Naomi and her detective boyfriend, Alec Friedman, travel to the Fenland home of Alec's beloved Uncle Rupert, for his funeral. Rupert, who ran an antiques business and wrote books on local history, was something of a maverick - and the black sheep of the Friedman family, for reasons Alec has never understood. At the funeral, Rupert's business partner, Marcus Prescott, speaks of the violence of his friend's death. As he talks to Naomi and Alec, it becomes clear that there were some suspicious circumstances, and that the ostensible cause of death - a heart-attack - may not hold true. Reluctantly, Alec agrees to make some inquiries. Then Naomi is accosted by an aggressive stranger in Rupert's old home - a man claiming that Rupert owed him money - and it becomes clear that Rupert may have had some secrets in his past... |