Synopsis: |
In this unique introduction to the representations of the Vietnam War in American history, literature and film, author Mark Taylor offers a concise, interdisciplinary approach to this most popular but complex of subjects. His aim is to show the intricate nature of crucial events in Vietnam, indicate the different ways in which historians and other writers and film makers have sought to make sense of them, and explore the sorts of truths which each claims to be telling - how can we know what is 'authentic'? After a contextualising introduction which outlines the chronology of events during the Vietnam War, the book covers five key episodes during the war - including the massacre at My Lai, the siege at Khe Sanh, and the experience of homecoming for Vietnam veterans - analysing the way they have been treated by historians, by film-makers and by novelists. Films and texts discussed include The Green Berets, JFK, John Newman's JFK and Vietnam, Dispatches, the Peers Report, In the Lake of the Woods, The Deerhunter and the Rambo films.Key Features: *Interdisciplinary approach to this popular subject, in keeping with the way American Studies is taught *Includes a timeline of the Vietnam War *Illustrated with maps and film stills *Courses on Vietnam appear on most American Studies degrees |