Synopsis: |
Barbara and Jim Mauzy are known for providing well written, easy-to-use, accurate books. They bring their expertise regarding vintage kitchenware to this new book, which has all new items and no repetition of the items presented in their earlier book on the subject. If you buy or sell kitchen glass bowls, reamers, shakers, and so on, this new book belongs in your library. More than 45 manufacturers are represented including Westmoreland, Sneath, Paden City, Cambridge, McKee, Jeannette, Hocking, Hazel-Atlas, and Federal. Almost 100 different kinds of kitchen glassware featured, including canisters, dispensers, cruets, refrigerator dishes, and rolling pins. Over 500 clear photographs arranged by color enable ease in viewing and identifying kitchen glass. Manufacturing information, measurements, values, and more are provided in captions next to each gorgeous image, and a detailed Index facilitates cross-referencing. This new book and Mauzys Kitchen Glass (2004) are the most user-friendly identification guides available. |