Synopsis: |
This book examines the role of increased professionalism in the growth of both the Republican and Democratic national parties, beginning with Republican National Committee Chairman Ray C. Bliss in the 1960s. It analyzes how an increased application of professional values has contributed to the continued growth of national party organizations, despite recurring constraints in party policymaking. Contributors: John F. Bibby, Stephen H. Frantzich, John C. Green, James L. Guth, Jon F. Hale, Tim Hames, Paul S. Herrnson, Robert J. Huckshorn, John H. Kessel, Philip A. Klinkner, Joseph I. Lieberman, David Menefee-Libey, Lawrence F. O'Brien, Arthur L. Peterson, John J. Pitney, Jr., George C. Roberts, Frederick M. Wirt. Co-published with the Ray C. Bliss Institute of Applied Politics. |