Synopsis: |
For at least 200 years Freemasonry has been subjected to witch-hunts. Conspiracy theories abound in which Freemasons manipulate whole governments, incite revolution, control the world banking system, and will engage in any activity, even murder, to advance their aims. Even today, Freemasonry is still seen a legitimate group to attack on the grounds of politics, religion and conspiracy theories. The Red Triangle uncovers the reality of this persecution of Freemasons from its first manifestation soon after people became aware of their existence in the 17th century. Taking a historical approach the author examines why attacks on Freemasonry began to appear from many quarters, who were involved? Why? What effect did their attacks have on all concerned and how successful were the Freemasons in their attempts to defend themselves. Attacks and persecution took place in many countries as Freemasonry spread around the world - there was even an anti-Masonic political party in 19th century America which stood against Masonic politicians.In complete contrast Freemasonry and the American civil war would provide a fascinating insight into the ethos of the Freemasonry in extreme, life threatening, situations when Freemasons offered assistance to their fellow Freemasons on opposite sides during the war in the midst of battles. This century ended with the notorious Dreyfus Affair which dragged Freemasonry into the political arena and most importantly linked Freemasonry with the Jews as world conspirators. The common fear of a New World Order by a Judeo/Masonic conspiracy was to reach a horrific culmination in Nazi Germany, in which Freemasons were actively persecuted, many dying in the Holocaust. Even after the war, Freemasons were seen by many as legitimate targets for persecution or abuse and today Freemasonry is still fighting a battle to present itself positively to the general public. The book does not shrink in looking at controversial present-day issues and poses the final question: 'What does the future hold for the Freemasons? |