Synopsis: |
The text of this book was first published in pamphlet form immediately after the war. It was intended to show the acute problems existing in seven main areas of human life following the devastating experience of global warfare. It is realised that the problems themselves had existed in a more or less inconspicuous form and with increasing effect on human society for numbers of year. The war served to precipitate incipient causes of disruption in human relationships and to reveal unacknowledged depths of evil and ignorance. The present paperback edition of "Problems of Humanity", published in 1964, is revised and edited to eliminate all out-of-date facts and information. Six basic problems continue, however, to confront humanity with opportunity for progress: the psychological rehabilitation of the nations; the problem of the children of the world; the problem of capital, labour and employment; the problem of the racial minorities; the problem of the churches; the problem of international unity and the equitable distribution of the world's resources.From these many other social and economic problems arise, essentially resulting from growth in human consciousness and progress in many underprivileged countries and communities towards freedom, equality and interdependence in a modern world. The basic teaching on these human problems contained in the original pamphlets has been preserved without change. A perspective is shown here which relates the spiritual potential and subjective factors to the outer appearance of human affairs. Continuing cleavages in consciousness; psychological evaluations and reactions to world conditions; national, religious, class or racial prejudice; conditions of illiteracy, disease and poverty, and economic imbalance, are all responsible for creating and perpetuating conditions in which war is inevitable. Recognition of causes within these problems, however, provides opportunity to those who love and serve their fellowmen. To deal with effects with understanding, compassion and intelligence, the first prerequisite is the ability for clear, unbiased thought - a form of meditative focus - so helping to create the "thoughtform of solution".All men and women of goodwill are concerned with the solution of these problems. They are particularly the concern of those accepting the self-discipline of training for discipleship in the new age, those world servers capable of relating esoteric truths and spiritual realities to the field of service in which they are placed. The esotericist of today is a practical worker. His illumined consciousness makes available to him a source of energy supply which is inexhaustible and which originates within the circulating energy of the One Life. He thus becomes a centre of energy transmission between Hierarchy and humanity, reflecting the soul, or Christ principle, throughout his service environment, illuminating and lifting the darkened areas of human consciousness. His knowledge of world affairs and human problems helps him to direct his energies where they can be of most service to the plan for man, and in the restoration of all relationships. "To put it scientifically and from the esoteric angle: spiritual impression has been interrupted and there has been interference with the divine circulatory flow.It is the task of disciples of the world to restore this flow and to stop this interference. This is the major problem facing spiritual people at this time." |