Synopsis: |
The fifth volume of Carpatho-Rusyn Studies follows the same format as previous volumes. It includes nearly 800 entries listing books, articles in journals, and chapters in books published during the years 2004 through 2009, and which deal with various aspects of Carpathian Rus' in Europe and of Carpatho-Rusyns wherever they may live. Each entry includes full bibliographical data followed by an extended annotation. Journals that focus on Carpatho-Rusyn studies each have their own entry and include content analysis in the annotation.The material listed covers a wide variety of subject areas in the humanities, social sciences, and the arts, among the most important of which-in terms of number of entries-are: history, language, religious studies, literature, ethnography and folklore, the nationality (identity) question, Carpatho-Rusyn diasporas, historiography and scholarship, education, and book publishing and the press.The volume begins with a survey of the highlights of Carpatho-Rusyn scholarship during the five-year period, 2004-2009. Appended are several charts with publication data.The volume concludes with an extensive index of authors, editors, compilers, placenames, and persons who are the subject of studies. |