Synopsis: |
The Handbook of Vocational Psychology aims to identify, report, and evaluate significant developments in vocational psychology and career counseling, thus providing both professional clinicians and students with an informed understanding of both the current state and continuing progress in the field. Like the previous editions, the goal of the Fourth edition will be to join the theory, research, practical and applied aspects of this field. The Handbook's dual missions are to prepare current students for the realities of work and also to act as a reference resource for practicing clinicians (and academicians) of all levels of experience, to keep up to date with the latest research and trends. The fourth edition will be completely restructured into four sections covering, in order, the field's History, Theory, Research, and Practice issues. The majority of the chapters in this new volume will be written by newly invited contributors, with the result that the book will be almost entirely brand new content, while a couple of authors in the 3rd edition will remain on board and update their previous chapter. |