Synopsis: |
Possibly the best known wargamer in the world, Donald Featherstone is well-known for more than a score of books on wargaming and also for editing the original wargaming magazine for 18 years. He is one of the people responsible for raising it from a minor fringe interest to the worldwide pastime and commercial interest of today. The whole wonderful world of wargaming is vividly brought to life in this ultimate of books by the doyen of the subject's authors. Full of passion, inspiration, practicality, it suggests ideas, improvements, and anecdotes that jump from the pages of the substantial and beautifully illustrated work. There are entertaining and practical main chapters, shorter features, and scores of snippets, with tips and anecdotes ...a great depth of writing and illustration to harness the enthusiasm of newcomers to the hobby and sharpen that of old hands. This book has been extensively revised |