Synopsis: |
Boys' Book of Sea Fights by Chelsea Curtis Fraser, first published in 1920. Famous Naval Engagements from Drake to Beatty. Many of the greatest sea battles of all time are revisited in this book, with much detail and vigor, by an outstanding storyteller. The action packed stories of many of the great Naval heroes of all time are given, including Francis Drake, John Paul Jones, Stephen Decatur, Horatio Nelson, Commodore Perry, and many others. This book tells the tale of sailors at war. Its heroes are real heroes-men who have lived, who have performed the very deeds recorded of them, so far as careful research can verify. They are not the sailors of any one country or nation, but of many countries and nations-which fact, it seems to me, really makes them no less brave and their deeds no less worthy of recounting. Valor, no matter by whom displayed, surely ought to meet with our admiration and stir us to like deeds for our own people and our own country. |