Synopsis: |
"The way of the master," Lao Tzu tells us in chapter sixty, "is as simple as making breakfast." The great beauty of Taoist philosophy is that it does not require us to know anything, to learn anything, or even to do anything, but simply to let go of ideas and observe without commentary. In this way peace and truth reveal themselves naturally. As Lao Tzu pointed out in chapter thirty-five: In maintaining focus in Tao all things come to the sage Anyone wishing to bring a greater sense of joy, love and harmony to their lives may benefit from Lao Tzu's wisdom. A J Girling was initiated by a Taoist Master in the eighties and, in the intervening years, has discovered the tremendous benefits of following the path of mindfulness. It is as a result of profound love for Lao Tzu's work that Girling undertook thousands of hours of research to bring to life this new translation of the Tao Te Ching. |