Synopsis: |
Immensely popular and hugely influential, the groundbreaking series The Goon Show changed the face of British comedy. Now, for the first time, this box set collection presents the episodes in chronological order as they were scheduled to be broadcast. This volume includes: Emperor of the Universe, Wings over Dagenham, The Rent Collectors, Shifting Sands, The Moon Show, The Mysterious Punch-up-the-Conker, Round the World in Eighty Days, Africa Ship Canal, Ill Met by Goonlight, The Missing Boa Constrictor, The Histories of Pliny the Elder and the Special episode, The Reason Why. Also, there are some rare archive bonus items, including alternate sequences of The Goon Show and It's That Man Again. Two illustrated booklets tell the story of the show's development with reference to original archive paperwork, plus the history of the recordings themselves. Remastered using new material and the latest technology to give the best possible sound quality, these recordings will appeal to all collectors of The Goon Show. 6 CDs. 6 hrs 25 mins. |