Synopsis: |
Enchanting a Disenchanted World, Third Edition is about Disney, about malls, about Cruise Lines, Las Vegas, the World Wide Web, Planet Hollywood, Credit Cards, and all other ways we now consume.Its thesis is that our society has undergone fundamental change because of the way and the level at which we consume. In the process of taking capitalism to a new level, we have created new "cathedrals" of consumption (places which enchant us in order to stay longer and consume more), but these "places" of consumption (whether in our home or at the mall or in cyberspace) are in a constant state of "enchanting the disenchanted" because their rational qualities are both necessary and deadening at the same time, in a constant state of "luring" us through new "spectacle." In the process of understanding this paradox of (post) modern life, readers understand how the classic social theorists from the past (Marx and Weber) are still very relevant to understanding this social development, as are the post-modern theorist (Beaudrillard and Focault) as well. The recent economic recession will be discussed throughout the book. There are no other "trade-like" books appealing to undergraduates, which combine this ability to connect the "everyday world" of the "20-something consumer" with sociological analysis. Features & Benefits- Enchanting a Disenchanted World is a unique analysis of the world of consumption, especially the settings in which consumption takes place, of interest to students, laypeople and scholars alike. - The impact of the current global recession will be discussed throughout the text.- Offers rich detail on consuming in such places as Las Vegas, Disney World, on cruise ships, in Wal-Mart, at McDonald's, and, new to this edition, on the Web. - A wide range of theoretical perspectives- Marxian, Weberian, critical theory, postmodern theory- are employed, as well as a number of concepts such as hyperconsumption, implosion, simulation, time and space to show students how sociological theory can be applied to everyday phenomena. |