Synopsis: |
A briefer version of Ronet and Russ's successful The Practice of Research in Criminology and Criminal Justice, this is written in a less formal style, with more concise examples drawn from everyday experience, and less coverage of complex or more rigorous methods.Other Key Features of Fundamentals 3/e:The examples throughout the book integrate substantive criminal justice issues with research with a greater emphasis in the third edition on the major branches of the criminal justice system. Integrates policy and policy implications for research methods throughout the text Includes a robust Student Study Site which includes GSS data sets, Appendixes on using quantitative and qualitative software, a demo for HyperResearch's popular qualitative analysis software, a sample research proposal, as well as a variety of interactive exercises for students to do on their own. New to the 3rd edition:1. New chapter on mixed methods (Chapter 11)2. Increased coverage of Crime Mapping, evidence-based research, and the use of web-based research3. New "Research in the News" boxes in each chapter.4. New focus on qualitative research and data analysis using NVivo. 5. New Case Studies to provide contemporary, real-world examples for students. |