Synopsis: |
The Cold Fusion series is aimed at young readers aged 9 - 12 and contains titles written by many different authors: This is a series designed for children who like a challenge and caters for the more able - though not necessarily the keen - reader. The books are out of the ordinary, designed to grip children who often aren't stimulated by general fiction for their age group. Cold Fusion is for readers who are curious, enjoy the challenge and like thinking outside the box. The four titles in this pack are all fiction, and several have won awards. The pack contains stories about the First World War, Victorian England, school mysteries and secret code, making the series great for school libraries and individual purchase. Authors includes David Orme, who has written over 200 books including poetry collections, fiction and non-fiction, and school text books; John Townsend, who is a full time writer who focuses particularly on helping boys enjoy reading; Mary Chapman, who is now a full time writer of children's fiction and Pamela Cosman, a Professor in the US who has a strong interest in codes. This pack contains one copy of each of the following books from the Cold Fusion series: The Secret Code Menace Never Odd or Even The Secret Message Paupers |