Synopsis: |
Committing information to memory is becoming a lost art. It's no longer taught at school (memorizing poetry or the dates of battles is very non-PC), and when we reach adulthood everyone uses personal organisers or CD-ROMs to store information. Does it matter? Yes, it certainly does. Memory is like a muscle - you either use it or lose it. Memory plays a crucial role in our lives because it is closely linked to intelligence. Unless your memory is well stocked with information, what have you got to draw upon when you need to solve problems, make decisions, or think creatively? Then there's all the everyday stuff like remembering where you put your car keys, not missing anniversaries, or revising for exams. So, can you really improve your memory in one day? Yes, you undoubtedly can. This book provides you with the all tools you need to improve your memory radically. And the more you practice, the better your memory gets, so we've included a month's worth of day-by-day tests and exercises to make your memory super strong. |