Synopsis: |
This collection of interviews, reflections, and creative criticism presents Christopher Norriss vigorous polemics with Hayden White, Michel Foucault, Jean Baudrillard, Jean-Francois Lyotard, Thomas Kuhn, Emmanuel Levinas, Pierre Bourdieu, Richard Rorty, and Stanley Fish. Alongside Norriss uncompromising critiques there emerge passages of close and careful reading of Jacques Derridas texts, as he cites and reiterates Derridas philosophical contexts in the works of Immanuel Kant, Gaston Bachelard, and Georges Canguilhem, and in the current discursive fields of epistemology and philosophy of science. The book also offers a coda of essays on Frank Kermode, Terry Eagleton, and Terence Hawkes. This collection, prefaced with the authors own academic memoir, provides an accessible and provocative introduction to Norriss critical thought, and highlights the wide range of his interests and philosophical engagements. |