Synopsis: |
A general organizer section provides space to jot down important telephone numbers, addresses and websites, while a dedicated Pregnancy Health section includes space to record any useful medical information you may receive at this time, as well as advice on eating, fitness and antenatal classes. The week-by-week diary is perfect for recording all of your doctors appointments, antenatal classes, and scans, as well as everything else that you still have going on in your life! There is also space to reflect on how you are feeling week by week, as well as insights into your baby's progress at each stage. A section on Preparing For Your Baby allows you to plan for after the birth, with guided sections on budgeting, picking baby's name, lists of equipment to buy, decorating the nursery and childcare considerations. The Labour and Birth section will keep you clear-headed when the time comes - refer to lists of items to pack into your hospital bag and important people to be notified - while My New Baby prompts you to record important details about your baby's routine, such as when she eats and sleeps, plus any follow up medical appointments. All this and much more makes Pregnancy Notes an essential organizer at this most important and exciting of times. |