Synopsis: |
The Stormbreaker is a brand-new DVD resource for use by individuals and small groups. Based on an issue of Every Day with Jesus and presented by Mick Brooks, the teaching focuses on the three days from the crucifixion to the resurrection, the time of Jesus' greatest `storm'. Five approximately fifteen-minute video sessions using green screen techniques, animations and relevant library footage show Mick `appearing' in the midst of a storm, at the scene of the crucifixion and on a battlefield, resulting in a presentation guaranteed to hold the viewer's attention. This is the accompanying booklet which contains discussion starters, prayers and Bible-reading notes.The foundational truths in this DVD can be explored at any time of year, but are perhaps most poignant during the Lent and Easter period. The resource would be ideal for use by a special Lent study group, enabling participants to study with others some of the themes which centre on the cross and the resurrection of Jesus, and find there all that is needed to face the storms of life. |