Synopsis: |
Channel to Freedom, is the third part of the fictional trilogy, describing the role and operations of a naval Special Forces unit, based on Tresco, in the Isles of Scilly. It describes the part played in World War 2, by this ultra-secret unit, from D-Day until the end of the war in Europe. So secret was the real-life flotilla, that news of it was not released, under the Official Secrets Act, until 1995. As the war moves to its climax, the Germans become ever more desperate to regain lost ground. In operations demanding the highest levels of courage and personal daring, Lieutenant-Commander Richard Tremayne's specialist experience is called upon, to counter new German threats. Advanced enemy technology, providing them with battle-field advantages over the Allies, becomes one of his major targets, set against impossible time-scales, and the most terrifying personal threat. Leading his highly trained team, he fights on land and at sea, ranging around Europe, from the Kattegat, to the east coast of Ireland and to Mediterranean islands, off Toulon, as well as his familiar battle-grounds of Brittany.Such covert operations, sometimes straying into neutral waters, place intense political pressures on Tremayne, demanding from him, the utmost sensitivity - as well as results. |