Synopsis: |
This collection celebrates the unique contribution that Enda McDonagh has made to the field of theological ethics and in so doing reflects on those aspects of ethics with which he has been most associated. Since the 1960s many moral theologians have sought to dialogue with the realities of politics, spirituality and the arts, and although many moral theologians find their inspiration in either art or politics, it is difficult to mention another whose work is shaped so intensely by both. Thus this collection mirrors McDonagh's interdisciplinarity and expands the remit of theological ethics well beyond its traditional scope, transcending the boundaries of the discipline in many different directions. The uniqueness of this collection is that it situates moral theology somewhere between poetry and politics, and in so doing brings together authors whose voices are rarely heard together. Artists, poets, politicians and theologians together reflect on the manner in which the imaginative, political and religious dimensions of life intersect in local and global contexts. |