Synopsis: |
In this lively and witty narrative, the author shows how the school, which survived the heavy World War Two bombing of Portsmouth, evolved under a succession of outstanding heads to become one of the country's leading independent, co-educational day schools. The compelling history of Portsmouth's oldest school is grounded in the history of Britain's greatest naval port. Its unique character is shaped by its imposing premises, the former Victorian Cambridge Barracks, which have been transformed into a vibrant school where boys and girls enjoy a rounded, first-class education. The school has come a long way from its modest beginnings and the book shows that, in addition to its academic successes, Portsmouth Grammar offers excellence in drama, sport, art and music. Its alumni include leading writers, sportsmen, academics, civil servants, soldiers and clergymen. Vivid reproductions of prints, photographs of school life and paintings, including seascapes by J.M.W. Turner, combine with the text to produce an enduring and important illustrated book for those connected with the school and the city.Written by Nigel Watson Specifications: hardback, 280 x 240 mm, 156 pages, ISBN: 9781903942895, publication: June 2008, published price: GBP30.00 |