Synopsis: |
Aligning IT with the business is a key objective for many boards and executives. Organizations with effective IT governance consistently generate better returns for their shareholders than equivalent organizations with ineffective IT governance, and the directors of IT governance companies are significantly less exposed to compliance and shareholder challenges than others. This important new book - "IT Governance: Guidelines for Directors" - provides directors, executives, managers and professional advisers with clear, pragmatic guidelines for ensuring that IT and the business work together for the same strategic objectives. It is not a technology book. It has been written specifically for all those directors, executives and senior business advisers grappling with the challenge of aligning IT with the business. It is a digestible, geek speak-free high level introduction to the business-critical subject of leveraging IT to compete more effectively in the information economy.It argues that getting real business value from IT is about leadership and shows how the board and CEO can take the lead - and avoid project failure, security breaches, compliance exposures, reputation damage, job loss and jail time. It's a book for today's business leaders and managers. |