Synopsis: |
"Piccadilly Bongo" finds Jeremy Reed, described by Pete Doherty as 'a legend', at his most imaginatively brilliant, writing about his particular London milieu, and most often Soho. The collection, fuelled by breathtaking imagery, is complemented by a CD of Soho Songs from the pop legend and Britain's leading torch singer Marc Almond, as a unique collaboration expressive of deeply-felt, evocative Piccadilly associations. The creative sympathies shared by the two artists is not only a first for poetry, but a powerfully original fusion of energies focused on the Piccadilly ethos of "Johnny Go Home". This is an edition of 35 numbered copies, signed by the author, with each inset CD signed by Marc Almond. Hand-bound in Kashgar purple silk with Sirio Lime endpapers, gold lettering and a detail of the cover image crushed onto the front. |