Synopsis: |
This remarkable new guide is the first hybrid text of its kind that adopts the traditional method of medical education and fuses it with an evidence-based approach. It covers, in great detail, all of the common conditions seen in primary and secondary paediatrics. Skilfully designed for easy revision and reference, each chapter is devoted to a symptom, commencing with the objectives and essential relevant background material followed by history and examination. In the management section specific questions are posed and evidence based responses are offered, ensuring both patients and their parents are satisfied. Uniquely, in the majority of cases, evidence from randomized controlled trials is given. To facilitate comprehension, revision and examination preparation, chapter includes a series of multiple choice questions and meticulous answers. It also includes an invaluable clinical slide and X-ray collection outlining key radiological features of many of the clinical conditions described to further aid understanding, recognition and diagnosis.Diagnosing and Treating Common Problems in Paediatrics is a highly comprehensive primer of how to learn and evaluate knowledge and then translate that knowledge into practice. It provides paediatric consultants and students with the confidence, professionalism and unique communication skill required to work effectively with both children and parents, ensuring successful treatment and outcomes. |