Synopsis: |
Parallel Computing is at the verge of a new era. Multi-core processors make parallel computing a fundamental skill required by all computer scientists. At the same time, high-end systems have surpassed the Peta?op barrier, and s- ni?cant e?orts are devoted to the development of hardware and software te- nologies for the next-generation Exascale systems. To reach this next stage, processor architectures, high-speed interconnects and programming models will go through dramatic changes. The Message Passing Interface (MPI) has been the most widespread programming model for parallel systems of today. A key questions of upcoming Exascale systems is whether and how MPI has to evolve inordertomeettheperformanceandproductivitydemandsofExascalesystems. EuroMPI is the successor of the EuroPVM/MPI series, a ?agship conf- ence for this community, established as the premier international forum for - searchers,usersandvendorsto presenttheir latestadvancesinMPIandmessage th passingsystemingeneral.The17 EuropeanMPIusersgroupmeetingwasheld in Stuttgart during September 12-15,2010.The conferencewasorganizedbythe High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart at the University of Stuttgart.ThepreviousconferenceswereheldinEspoo(2009),Dublin(2008),Paris(2007), Bonn(2006),Sorrento(2005),Budapest(2004),Venice(2003),Linz(2002),S- torini (2001), Balatonfured (2000), Barcelona (1999), Liverpool (1998), Krakow (1997), Munich (1996), Lyon (1995) and Rome (1994). The main topics of the conference were message-passing systems - especially MPI, performance, scalability and reliability issues on very large scale systems. |