Synopsis: |
This edition of the Comparative Law Yearbook of International Business provides ageneral examination of issues vital to the world's economic recovery. In the field ofcompany law, practitioners examine changes in Russia's corporate law and the newUkrainian law governing joint-stock companies. In the area of competition law, lawyersreview Serbia's and Bulgaria's new laws on the protection of competition and theprivate enforcement of Articles 101 and 102 in Europe's national courts.Dispute resolution occupies two chapters, one dealing with best practices for draftingarbitration clauses and the other set aside, recognition, and enforcement of privatecommercial arbitration awards. A further two chapters treat employment and labormatters relating to distribution and commercial representation, indemnity upontermination, and processing personal data in the employment context in Hungary. Inthe area of financial services, practitioners from five jurisdictions deal with fiduciaryduty, the European Commission's proposed Directive on Alternative InvestmentFund Managers, Swiss disclosure rules on significant shareholdings, restructuringand refinancing routes for mortgage-secured debt in Spain, and insurance laws andregulations in Nigeria. Foreign investment is examined by two authors, reporting on2008 and 2009 developments in investment treaty disputes and foreign investmentin Indonesia. Intellectual property issues are reviewed in chapters relating to the useof intellectual property as collateral in secured financing and intellectual propertylicensing in Canada. Finally, lawyers treaty a variety of other issues, including the taxlaw of Liechtenstein, European Union-Israel trade in the automobile sector, insolvencyrisk and creditors' rights in Peru, the modernizing of trust law in Hong Kong andbridging cultural differences in international transactions. |