Synopsis: |
For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them. Aristotle Teaching should be such that what is offered is perceived as a valuable gift and not as a hard duty. Albert Einstein The second most important job in the world, second only to being a good parent, is being a good teacher. S.G. Ellis The fast technological changes and the resulting shifts of market conditions require the development and use of educational methodologies and opportunities with moderate economic demands. Currently, there is an increasing number of edu- tional institutes that respond to this challenge through the creation and adoption of distance education programs in which the teachers and students are separated by physical distance. It has been verified in many cases that, with the proper methods and tools, teaching and learning at a distance can be as effective as traditional fa- to-face instruction. Today, distance education is primarily performed through the Internet, which is the biggest and most powerful computer network of the World, and the World Wide Web (WWW), which is an effective front-end to the Internet and allows the Internet users to uniformly access a large repertory of resources (text, data, images, sound, video, etc.) available on the Internet. |