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Your search for " PUBLISHER = The GP Library" has produced 391 results.

Click on any result, to view full details of the item.
 1st book library (52)
 1st books library (33)
 1st world library (1954)
 1st world library - literary society (1550)
 aberdeen university library (17)
 academie du vin library limited (68)
 academie du vin library ltd (5)
 adobe developer library (69)
 akashic library (2)
 ala editions an imprint of the american library association (2)
 ala neal-schuman an imprint of the american library association (1)
 albuquerque public library foundation (1)
 alexandria library publishing house (2)
 all cities library (7)
 american library association (1822)
 arcadia publishing library editions (536)
 artemis arts library (2)
 aspenne''s library (1)
 association for library collections & technical services (6)
 audiogo library supply (8)
 australian library and information association (alia) (1)
 avery architectural and fine arts library (1)
 ayothy library services (2)
 bannside library ltd (1)
 beinecke rare book & manuscript library (3)
 bermuda library (various bermuda) (7)
 birmingham library services (12)
 birmingham picture library (9)
 black library (2)
 black library hardbacks (25)
 black library pb (28)
 blue cat library (1)
 bodleian library (129)
 books library mameli ltd (1)
 boston athenaeum library (6)
 botswana national library service (1)
 bounds law library, university of alabama (2)
 bridgend library & information service (1)
 british library (74)
 british library board (7)
 british library gift (67)
 british library publishing (262)
 british library science reference & information service (20)
 british library, historical print editions (44367)
 british library, science reference & information service (2)
 britten-pears library (7)
 business library (4)
 cambridge bibliographical society, cambridge university library (14)
 cambridge library collection (7912)
 canadian isbn agency library and archives canada (1)
 canadian library association (1)
 capstone global library (1533)
 capstone global library ltd (16195)
 cardinal tomas o fiaich memorial library & archives (1)
 carey (william) library publishers,u.s. (1)
 central and eastern european online library g (10)
 central arkansas library system (2)
 chameleon library (2)
 chawton house library books (1)
 cherag library publications (2)
 chester beatty library (1)
 chivers sound library (6)
 chris andrews/oxford picture library (8)
 christian classics ethereal library (152)
 clare county library (1)
 classic books library (281)
 classic western fiction library (52)
 collectors library (1)
 columbia alternative library,u.s. (1)
 comic library international 2.0 (5)
 commonwealth secretariat library (1)
 commuter's library (2)
 core library (14)
 cork county library and arts service (2)
 cornell university library, division of rare & manuscripts collections (12)
 cyprus library (11)
 dc library press (1)
 devil's advocate library (1)
 discount library (2)
 drik picture library ltd (1)
 dumbarton oaks research library & collection (250)
 east lothian council, library service (9)
 echo library (7773)
 edinburgh university library (23)
 essential library (2)
 european library,the netherlands (2)
 everyman library* (8)
 everyman''s library (11)
 everyman's library (1)
 faith library publications (3)
 fal library (14)
 falkirk council library services (3)
 fireproof library (2)
 forest press (a division of oclc online computer library center, inc.) (6)
 friars library (5)
 friends of springfield public library, inc. (1)
 fright library (3)
 gale and the british library (206)
 george family library publishing (1)
 george mason university library - mason pub (2)
 george padimore research library (1)
 george padmore library ghana (1)
 george padmore library, accra-ghana (1)
 george padmore research library (1)
 ghana library (2)
 ghana library authority (15)
 ghana library authority - george padmore research (1)
 ghana library aythourity (1)
 ghana library board (5)
 gingko library (58)
 glasgow women's library (5)
 glucksman library, university of limerick (1)
 government of canada: library and archives canada (1)
 guildhall library publications (35)
 h. g. wells library (171)
 hachette library (2)
 hagley museum & library (1)
 harvard square library (1)
 heinemann educational books - library division (472)
 heinemann library (1)
 heinemann library hardbacks (12)
 heinemann library paperbacks (26)
 heinemann library, div of reed elsevier (14)
 hinwood library of ideas (6)
 historical library (2)
 history press library editions (17)
 hodder library hb (1)
 houghton library (1)
 houghton library of the harvard college library (27)
 houghton library,u.s. (12)
 huntington library press (1)
 huntington library press,us (149)
 international business library ltd (2)
 isbn canada (library and archives canada) (2)
 isbn canada - library and archives (1)
 isbn canada - library and archives canada (1)
 isbn library and archives canada (1)
 isbn/ismn published heritage branch - library and (1)
 isbn/ismn published heritage branch / library and archives canada (1)
 isbn/ismn published heritage branch library and ar (2)
 isbn/ismn published heritage branch library and archives canada (1)
 isbn/ismn published heritage branch library and archives canada / government of canada (1)
 isbn/ismn published heritage branch, library and a (2)
 jamaica library service (1)
 jeff degraff innovation library (2)
 karina library (7)
 kate sharpley library (67)
 kenya national library (4)
 kenya national library service (3)
 kenya national library services (3)
 kildare library and arts services (3)
 king fahd national library cataloging-in-publicati (1)
 king solomon spiritual library (13)
 kohn-hennig library (1)
 lagado library publications, colorado, usa (1)
 lancashire county library (20)
 lancashire library,burnley division (1)
 landmark collectors library (2)
 langham global library (98)
 laurel leaf library (2)
 legal deposit program - library and archives canad (1)
 lewisham arts & library service (1)
 library & archives canada (8)
 library & archives of canada (1)
 library & information services council (northern ireland) (5)
 library & information statistics unit (lisu) (80)
 library and archives canada (135)
 library and archives canada (http: //www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng (1)
 library and archives canada (lac) (1)
 library and archives canada / government of canada (3)
 library and archives canada cataloguing in publication (2)
 library and archives canada, canadian isbn service (2)
 library and archives canada, canadian isbn service (ciss). (1)
 library and archives canada, government of canada (1)
 library and archives of canada (19)
 library archives canada (2)
 library archives of canada (2)
 library archives of canada/government of canada (1)
 library association of ireland (1)
 library association publishing (uk) (1)
 library cat publishing (3)
 library for all (1394)
 library for all ltd (1)
 library information technology centre (22)
 library juice press (44)
 library lane publishing (2)
 library of america (38)
 library of american landscape history (6)
 library of australian history (2)
 library of congress (2)
 library of congress cataloging-in-publication data is available upon request. (1)
 library of congress,u.s. (29)
 library of homosexual congress (1)
 library of sarah zane (1)
 library of the holocaust (6)
 library of tibetan works & archives (53)
 library of twink publishing (2)
 library of university split (1)
 library partners press (2)
 library press at uf (54)
 library publishing coalition (5)
 library tales publishing (52)
 library tales publishing, inc. (13)
 library@the garret (1)
 libraryman co., ltd. (85)
 licklibrary (1)
 linen hall library (3)
 little mindfulness library (1)
 littman library (1)
 littman library of jewish civilization in association with liverpool (1)
 living history library (5)
 lobbylibraryltd (5)
 lotus library (2)
 lua library, llc (1)
 luton library (1)
 macmillan collector''s library (1)
 macmillan collectors library (28)
 macquarie library pty.ltd (2)
 mafia library (2)
 makor jewish community library (1)
 malaysia national library (1)
 manchester metropolitan university library (1)
 mark victor hansen library (18)
 marsh's library (1)
 meow library (1)
 metropolitan new york library council (1)
 mid-continent public library (6)
 midnight library (7)
 military library research service ltd (819)
 milne library (3)
 modern library (3)
 mount vernon ladies association of the union library,us (1)
 mx library ltd (7)
 myilibrary.com (2)
 national library and documentation service board (1)
 national library board (1)
 national library board of singapore (4)
 national library board singapore (2)
 national library board, singapore (1)
 national library for the blind (1)
 national library lagos, nigeria (1)
 national library of australia (15)
 national library of c (1)
 national library of greece (1)
 national library of ireland (7)
 national library of jamaica (10)
 national library of malaysia (1)
 national library of new zealand (27)
 national library of nigeria (5)
 national library of romania (1)
 national library of sa (1)
 national library of scotland (28)
 national library of south africa (33)
 national library of uganda (4)
 national library of wales (52)
 national library, new zealand (1)
 national library, nigeria (2)
 national university of samoa library (1)
 netlibrary (1)
 netlibrary, a division of oclc (221)
 new american library (168)
 new arts library (2)
 new atlantian library (4)
 new classics library (4)
 new english library (3)
 new knowledge library (32)
 new millennium library (12)
 new world library (1042)
 new york library association (1)
 new zealand national library (1)
 nigeria national library (2)
 nigerian national library (1)
 north-eastern education & library board (1)
 northumberland county library (12)
 nottingham trent university, library & information services (1)
 nottingham trent university: library & information services (1)
 oakwood press & video library (1)
 oracle's library (2)
 padmore library (1)
 paperbackshop.co.uk ltd - echo library (3)
 pbshop.co.uk ltd dba echo library (1047)
 petite library (3)
 petrucci library press (83)
 philosophical library (35)
 philosophical library/open road (12)
 pierpont morgan library,u.s. (10)
 plymouth library services (15)
 pm library (4)
 policylibrary.com (1)
 popular library (1)
 princeton university library (4)
 rayleigh library writers' group press (2)
 reader''s library classics (16)
 real times library (2)
 representative church body library (12)
 robert hale library h/backs (22)
 royal library (4)
 ruddy golf library (4)
 saint louis mercantile library association (3)
 sanctuary music library (1)
 sanskrit library (1)
 school library association (79)
 scientific american library (25)
 scottish poetry library (8)
 scripture teaching library (22)
 secret library press (1)
 shetland library (2)
 silence in the library, llc (7)
 singapore national library (deposit portal) (1)
 sky library (1)
 socrates education and library foundation (2)
 south african library (2)
 south african national library (4)
 southampton reference library (6)
 special collections research center, syracuse university library (1)
 spirit library publications (3)
 st bride library (5)
 st deiniol's library / monad press (33)
 st ives trust and st ives library (2)
 state library of new south wales press (1)
 tandem library (1)
 taylor & francis e-library (1)
 taylor institution library (8)
 the abbotsford library research project and the faculty of advocates (1)
 the bancroft library, university of california, berkeley (8)
 the big ideas library (8)
 the black library (17)
 the bodleian library (268)
 the british library publishing division (961)
 the chartered institute of library and information professionals in scotland (8)
 the curious library (1)
 the echo library (6)
 the flyfisher's classic library (3)
 the friends of glasgow university library (3)
 the friends of the state library of south australia (2)
 the gabriel branch memorial library (1)
 the global library of women's medicine (5)
 the gp library (1)
 the library and archives of exeter cathedral (1)
 the library and museum of freemasonry (1)
 the library of america (388)
 the library of consciousness (1)
 the library of innerpeffray (1)
 the library of lost books (1)
 the little lit library (1)
 the littman library of jewish civilization (26)
 the london library (1)
 the lost library (37)
 the magical forest press/library & archives canada (1)
 the meow library (1)
 the national library of new zealand (3)
 the national library of south africa (1)
 the national library of trinidad and tobago (1)
 the private library (3)
 the rock library (8)
 the ruskin library (3)
 the trustees of the edward worth library (1)
 the university of manchester library (186)
 theaker's paperback library (9)
 thought library media ltd (1)
 tikhanov library (1)
 traders' library (52)
 traders'' library,us (2)
 trinity college dublin, library (2)
 true crime library/forum press (16)
 tu delft library (4)
 tubingen library publishing (2)
 united library (68)
 university college london library (10)
 university library, uc santa cruz (2)
 university of bradford j.b.priestley library (1)
 university of bradford, j.b.priesley library (2)
 university of exeter library (2)
 university of exeter,library (1)
 university of london library (1)
 university of michigan library (7537)
 university of southampton library (9)
 virginia state library,u.s. (1)
 virginia tech library - special collections (1)
 west bromwich library user group (1)
 west warwick public library association (2)
 westerkirk library trust (1)
 western education and library board (10)
 westmeath county library (4)
 wildside audio library (1)
 william carey library (130)
 william carey library publishers (46)
 woodneath press (mid-continent pub. library) (1)
 working arts library/applause (1)
 world library publications inc (1)
 young library (3)
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Early Learning
Little Worried Caterpillar (PB) Little Green knows she''s about to make a big change - transformingfrom a caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly. Everyone is VERYexcited! But Little Green is VERY worried. What if being a butterflyisn''t as brilliant as everyone says?Join Little Green as she finds her own path ... with just a littlehelp from her friends.
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Early Learning
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Picture Book
All the Things We Carry PB What can you carry?A pebble? A teddy? A bright red balloon? A painting you''ve made?A hope or a dream?This gorgeous, reassuring picture book celebrates all the preciousthings we can carry, from toys and treasures to love and hope. With comforting rhymes and fabulous illustrations, this is a warmhug of a picture book.
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