Your search for "AUTHOR = Edward Barrett Warman"
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Oxford Primary Dictionary
New edition of the bestselling Oxford Primary Dictionary with more words added, more spelling support, and enhanced supplements for grammar and language help. Easy-to-use with clear entries and examples from the books children love reading, plus curriculum help, it is the ideal dictionary for children aged 8+.
This is the story of a sleepy town called Suds. A place where stories fill the air of children who keep turning grey and disappearing without a trace... Poppy and Erasmus are certain there's something peculiar going on in Suds, and they're determined to unravel its secrets.
But when they discover the answers might lie in the dark and twisting woods, can they find the courage to creep inside and solve this riddling mystery?
Against All Gods
In the series finale, Elliot faces his darkest period yet. As well as facing up to the death of his mother, he knows that the future of mankind - and of everything he holds dear - is at stake. But can a bunch of misfit gods, a lost constellation and a mortal boy stand up to the daemon hordes?