Synopsis: |
"Generic Risk Assessment (GRA) 2.2, Ice and Unstable Ground" is part of a new series of "GRA"'s that are the product of a 10 year consultation period. "The GRAs" in this series have been designed to safeguard fire and rescue personnel and members of the public. "GRA 2.2" is concerned with the hazards, risks and controls relating to Fire and Rescue Service personnel working on or near ice and unstable ground. Although the two types of incident may be very different, they are considered in the same "GRA" due to the similarities in the equipment and procedures used. Note: This "GRA" does not cover frozen snow or blue ice as they are part of specialist mountain rescue techniques. This "GRA" is supplied as a loose-leaf document. A binder pack containing an introduction to the series, foreword by Sir Ken Knight, contents and dividers is available to order separately. The binder is the ideal solution for storing the loose-leaf "GRAs". The "GRAs" are also available to purchase as A5, bound publication. Please see below for details of the binder pack and other "Generic Risk Assessments" in the series.The following are the key features of this title: significant hazards and risks; drowning, asphyxiation and hypothermia; key control measures; manual handling; pre-determined response; and, depth (and flow) of water under ice. |