Synopsis: |
Strategies for Cutting Company Costs is an authoritative, insiders perspective on trimming extraneous expenditures and making the most of the corporate budget, particularly in these trying times. Featuring CEOs representing some of the top companies in the nation, this book provides best practices for handling economic challenges. Driven by the desire to help the business run more efficientlyin essence, to do more with lessthese authors offer tips for establishing spending priorities, controlling expenses, and identifying how and why to cut costs. This book provides valuable insight for those looking to address upcoming spending goals and challenges, acquire new customers, and focus on where pennies shouldand should notbe pinched. Highlighting the importance of saving energy and striving towards corporate sustainability, these authors also demonstrate how going green can help conserve funds as well as the planets resources. The different niches presented and the breadth of perspectives represented enable readers to get inside some of the leading cost-conscious business minds of today, as these insiders offer up their thoughts around the keys to fashioning a financial plan sound enough to make it through the recession and beyond. |