Synopsis: |
Oligarch is a contemporary novel set in the mid to late 2000s. The period is beset with financial chaos. With trust and confidence in short supply, the integrity and credibility of Boris Chernov, an apparently honest oligarch, is immediately under suspicion when he enlists the help of City investment advisor: Carole Head. Carole operates within a small private bank, and is well respected by her small coterie of high net worth individuals scattered around the globe, but she has never been approached by a Russian client before, and tasked with helping him retrieve his GBPbillions from Russia. Although very successful in business, her private life lacks excitement, being all too predictable as she maintains a questionable relationship with long time boy friend Simon Endersleigh. Recently redundant, and a new landlord in almost the some month, Simon advertises for a new lodger for his large Victorian residence in North London. It proves to be a farcical and near calamitous start to his relationship with a talented and very attractive young actress: Michelle Mclean.Michelle has been invited to play a small but significant role in a major new West End production, but, when the lead actress leaves rehearsals in a fit of pique and temper she finds herself suddenly thrust into the lead, playing opposite an aging lothario with lustful designs upon her. Overnight, she is feted by critics, and the Press, for an outstanding opening night performance. Later, observed by Anton Zumbach, an art house film director, she is rewarded with the lead role in a new commercial film to be shot in Moscow, Siberia and Berlin. In the course of a series of sometimes clandestine meetings, Carole, together with Simon, begin to learn from Boris and his business partner Dmitry Lukin the truth of the economic disaster that struck ordinary citizens of the new Russia, following the collapse of the Soviet Union. Past corruption and violence remains established, extending from the top of Russia's nomenklatura, down to the gang and drug-riven streets. Despite lethal warnings, lives are forfeited; Carole watches as one of Boris's associates is murdered in broad daylight within a few metres of her bank.Finally, agreement is reached for Simon to accompany Boris's partner: Lyudmila, to Moscow in an effort to dislodge the obstructions that are preventing his assets reaching the West. The beautiful Lyudmila proves to be a femme-fatale, but Simon manages to resist her contrived advances. In doing so, he discovers that he does have respect and real feelings for Carole. Fearful of reprisals following contacts in Moscow the pair leave for Omsk overnight, still not sure of their safety. Again they are to be pursued by others who have an interest in Boris Chernov's fortune, in particular. As a last resort they decide to collect the stash of Roubles and share certificates held in secret on an island in the Kara Sea off the north Siberian coast. Frozen for 10 months of the year they manage to persuade two young pilots of an ekranoplan to take them on an extended trial of their new sea-skimming machine to the remote island of Uyedineniya. Even here they are followed by Andreyev Timoshenko; past Soviet official, member of the nomenklatura, and a man with a grievance, unscrupulous, given to extreme violence.Following completion of filming in Siberia; Michelle and her lover Anton Zumbach prepare to leave, but not before enjoying an aerial sight-seeing trip of the raw Siberian scenery, with a picnic on the Arctic ice. From here the destinies of the various characters entwine and twist but |