Synopsis: |
This is the Year 4, Autumn Test, Pack of 10 Progress in Reading Assessment (PiRA) is a standardised, curriculum-linked suite of tests designed for whole-class use and for pupils of all abilities, and supports the new National Curriculum. Uniquely, the series offers three tests for each primary school year, to monitor pupils' progress term by term, and provides reliable, predictive and diagnostic information. Or, if you prefer, pick the test(s) you want, to give you maximum flexibility to assess just at the beginning or end of each year.- The full-colour PiRA test for Year 4, Autumn term - with norms for pupils aged 8:0 to 9:10 (NC levels 1a-4b) - Simple and quick to administer and mark - taking just 30 to 40 minutes to assess a whole class - Standardised scores and reading ages, plus a diagnostic profile which supports Assessing Pupil's Progress (APP), will give you a wealth of information and make you more effective in managing learning in your classroom - A decimalised PiRA scale score, based on the termly performance data of over 10,000 pupils nationally, lets you monitor small increments of progress and gives a reliable basis for predicting pupil progress and setting realistic targets |