Synopsis: |
World Political Yearbook, a brand-new political reference resource from Salem Press, profiles every nation and self-governing territory around the world, providing detailed analyses of the major events and current political climate, from over 200 countries. With so much information packed into one easy-to-access, single-volume format, this comprehensive yearbook is a perfect research tool and study guide for students, researchers, and the general populace alike. Every chapter contains one country/territory profile, beginning with a list of Key Facts about the nation or territory, including: official country/territory name, head of state, head of government, ruling party, area, population, capital, official language(s), currency, exchange rate, GDP (Gross Domestic Product), labor force, unemployment rate, inflation rate, oil production, natural gas production, balance of trade, and more. This list is conveniently placed next to a political map of the area, detailing the capital city, all major cities, and bordering regions.Following this is a Country Overview, an essay highlighting any important political, economic, cultural, and social events that have occurred in the country or territory over the course of the previous year, as well as any realistic predictions or outlooks for the future of the country/territory and of the region in general. Every Country Overview is several pages in length and has been written by prominent scholars and academic researchers in the field of current world events. A table of Key indicators is also included for every chapter, charting statistics of population, GDP, imports/exports, unemployment, inflation, energy production, foreign debt, and exchange rates over the previous five years. Finally, a list of People to Watch and a chart of Risk Assessments on politics, the economy, and regional stability help round out each chapter. World Political Yearbook is a perfect tool for academic, public, and community libraries across the country, as well as for anyone interested in learning about the latest current events from around the world. |