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A groundbreaking approach to primary source documents, with in-depth expert analysis of the court cases, presidential and legislative initiatives, and speeches that tell the story of African American history. The Printed Reference* Four volumes, including 2,100 pages* Full-text documents & analytical essays* Teachers' guides & study questions* Appendixes, indexes and resource listingsOnline Access* Fully supported* Unlimited users at your library* Full access from home or dorm room* Immediate access via online registration* A simple, intuitive interface* User profile areas for students and patrons* Sophisticated search functions* Complete content, including appendixes* Fully illustratedExploring fundamental primary sources from African American history, this new edition provides in-depth, analytical essays on 150 iconic documents and speeches from the 1600s to the present day. Coverage includes important legislative documents such as the Reconstruction era amendments; critical Supreme Court decisions such as Dred Scott v. Sandford, Plessy v. Ferguson, and Brown v.Board of Education; and historic speeches and writings by leaders such as Sojourner Truth, Frederick Douglass, Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. Du Bois, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Barack Obama. This new edition adds a wide variety of historic documents plus new analysis of speeches and documents to extend coverage into the twenty-first century. New material includes:* Alexander Falconbridge: An Account of the Slave Trade on the Coast of Africa* Wendell Phillips: The Philosophy of the Abolotion Movement* Richard Wright: "Blueprint for Negro Writing"* Ella Baker: "Bigger than a Hamburger"* Adolph L. Reed, Jr.: "When Government Shrugs: Lessons of Katrina"With content aligned to the National Standards in U.S. History and signed essays written by a team of 70 esteemed historians, Milestone Documents in African American History offers an unparalleled reference tool for students conducting primary source research. It's particularly useful for high school students in both regular and A.P. history courses, community college students, and American history survey courses for undergraduate college students.In-depth teacher activity guides make the set extremely useful at the classroom level, and every entry includes study questions that assist teachers in engaging students with further research. Entries include the full text of each document, overviews of its importance, explanations and analyses of historical contexts and the document's impact, and a brief biographical profile of the author(s). Also included are essential quotations from each document, questions for further study, teacher guides, timelines, glossaries, search indexes, and more. The volumes are organized chronologically. Within each volume, entries are likewise arranged chronologically. |